Senior Care offer process rebuild

A world leading Health Care and Senior-Living provider

The Challenge

Over time, our client had accumulated over three-dozen different letter templates and different processes for different business units, resulting in multiple forms and processes that did not interact well, workflow dead-ends, and difficulties with compliance and reporting. The resulting offer “process” was labor intensive and highly inefficient, and was preventing the implementation of system enhancements.

The overall complexity of the process also prevented the client from using the system to handle offer transmission and to collect digital signatures.

How Velocity HCM helped

We reduced the number of templates from approximately forty to three (while increasing the percentage of offers handled in the system), and developed a single offer approval form and workflow. Once these consolidations were made, it was possible to eliminate several manual steps in the hiring process entirely, add new automations, and the client was then able to start sending their offer letters out electronically, and collecting digital signatures.

These changes dramatically reduced time-to-offer, eliminated compliance risks, and improved candidate experience.

Pursuit Collection iCIMS reimplementation

A leading provider of high quality tourism, attraction, and hospitality experiences across North America.

The Challenge

Our client’s hiring workflow was outdated, and as a result featured multiple processes that resulted in time and processing delays, unnecessary handovers, and extraneous manual effort.

Our client’s workflows themselves were highly variable, with parallel processes for different regions/groups operating with similar but different stakeholders and assets. At the same time very little automation was built into their systems and processes, placing a heavy burden on the recruitment and HR teams.

Together, this resulted in unnecessary delays for candidates (and a worse hiring experience), more work for the various participants, and overall increased costs for the company.

How Velocity HCM helped

By adopting a global workflow and sequence we were able to create a standard process, allowing the client to execute on their hiring process more efficiently, and allowing them to better diagnose and troubleshoot any problems that arise.

We implemented a series of event-based emails, including workflow-driven emails that provide/collect information to/from the candidates as it is needed in the hiring process. This ensures that stakeholders have the information they need when they need it, while ensuring greater consistency and reducing workload.

By developing a daily export into their Payroll system, we were able to eliminate a significant manual effort while improving consistency and data quality.

Offer Letters

A large multinational management consulting firm with offices all over the world.

The Challenge

Our client, a large multinational consulting firm, identified that one of their country business units was still generating employment offers manually, and collecting hard-copy responses from new hires. This unit had relatively complex offers letters that required many touches and calculations, a highly dispersed workforce, and a low level of responsiveness from new hires.

Because their process was entirely manual, this put the client at high risk of errors in their employment offers, and the lack of technology created a very high probability of legal or compliance risks, while making internal controls difficult and resource intensive to implement.

How Velocity HCM helped

Utilizing the customizable candidate forms in our client's ATS, we were able to design a form that could automatically calculate compensation amounts for the offer, while implementing strict controls to ensure adherence to policies and guidelines. This, combined with the system's eSignature solution, allowed us to build a completely online, highly automated digital offer letter solution for the client.

As a result of this new workflow, and the great work done by the teams, the client has been able to digitize offer approvals and creation, increase accuracy and compliance for the offers, reduce time to hire, and reduce compliance risks by 90%.

Dedicated Support

A large multinational entertainment and broadcasting company, with users spread across the globe, and multiple hiring entities.

The Challenge

The client had recently lost its only dedicated ATS system analyst, and along with them most of its institutional knowledge of the system and it's implementation. Due to their size and the complexity of the system, it would take months to hire and onboard a replacement.

At the same time, several outstanding changes and enhancements were necessary and regular maintenance was required.

How Velocity HCM helped

Velocity HCM's consultants have decades of combined experience supporting multiple ATS, including the one used by the client, from both the vendor and client side. A Velocity consultant was able to rapidly step in and provide dedicated fixed-hour support for the client; including dealing with user and candidate enquiries, troubleshooting and maintenance, and development of automation and enhancements. development of and system/process.

The Support contract with Velocity allowed the client to take the time to properly hire, train, and develop а full-time analyst to support their ATS. Instead of having to rush their hire, or go for months without the proper level of support being provided, Velocity HCM ensured there was no service disruptions during process.

YRMC Support Services

A mid-market Health Care Center and services provider based in the American Southwest.

The Challenge

Our client, a mid-market Health Care Center, didn't have the internal resources available to properly maintain their system and perform some need upgrades.

The client didn't have any personnel to maintain and support their ATS, and to perform several planned enhancements (including offer letters). It was not feasible for them to hire new staff to do this work.

How Velocity HCM helped

To achieve flexibility and keep costs low, the client engaged Velocity on an hourly basis. Due to Velocity's expertise with the system and experience supporting clients in a consulting capacity we were able to immediately step in and on day one provide support on an as- needed basis, implementing offer letters and providing general maintenance and support services.

By engaging with Velocity, our client was able to support and expand the use of their system without diverting internal resources, at a low cost, and with zero lead time.

Dollar Tree System Sync

Dollar Tree, Inc. is one of the nation’s leading value retailers with a multi-price-point chain of discount variety stores.

The Challenge

The client was preparing for a major companywide talent acquisition initiative with visibility throughout the organization. After years of making configuration changes straight in Production, Staging and Production were not aligned. This became a major pain point for leaders in the organization. The confidence of the initiative going smoothly without being able to efficiently test was low.

With no way to automatically sync up a Production and Staging environment, if the client were to proceed, they would be putting themselves at a major risk of downstream impacts as well as compliance red flags which could be detrimental and very costly to their business.

How Velocity HCM helped

Utilizing our expertise and knowledge of recruitment technology, we were able to develop a methodology to align their Production and Staging environments. While this engagement would typically be manual, we were able to streamline a process using built in system functionality and automation to reach the end goal.

As a result, the environments became in sync, there was assurance from the company leaders that the process changes that were to be put in place would not negatively impact other areas of the system and would also eliminate risk concerns. Our client was able to move forward with their companywide initiative.

New Hire Revisions

A global leader in greetings cards production, distribution, retailing.

The Challenge

Our client had been using the same ATS for nearly a decade, and over time their system configuration had drifted away from their current business processes, and out of alignment with their HRIS. This drift came to a head with the hiring process, where the ATS, HRIS, HR policies, and organizational structures most frequently intersect.

The client had a need to revise their "New Hire and Onboard" process to bring their recruitment practice and ATS in line with the organization; but doing so would require a significant rework of their hiring forms and automations given the misalignment of their various systems, and the outside policy and integration implications.

How Velocity HCM helped

By leveraging Velocity's expertise in configuring recruitment systems, and our experience in delivering large projects with multiple stakeholders, the client was able to successfully complete a revision of their new hire process in their ATS.

The revisions were designed to minimize impacts to the integration (resulting in no new engineering work), while simplifying the existing form/process to reduce user input. As a result of these changes the process is now aligned to their overall hiring requirements, easier to use, less prone to user error, and faster.